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The Rev. Meredith Holt Crigler | Trinity Episcopal Church, Baytown

A Selection of Sermons:


May 31, 2020

"In the beginning, the Ruah, the Spirit, the breath of God moved over the black generative waters of creation. 

And in the beginning, we plucked privilege that was not ours and in so doing turned on one another. And that which was adam, one body, one equal humanity filled with the breath of God devolved into hierarchy and supremacy. One generation had not yet even passed away before brotherly love was supplanted with sin. Instead of ruling it and casting off the powers and principalities of this present whiteness, we opened the door to rule over one another desecrating the humanity of our kin by snuffing out the breath of God through murder. We are not Abel/able. We are the restless wanderers of the earth..."