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The Rev. Meredith Holt Crigler | Trinity Episcopal Church, Baytown

A Selection of Sermons:


Apr 19, 2020

"...And when on any particular day we just can’t even. Remember that the risen Christ comes into that same room around that same table through that same door not just once in our Gospel but twice. Our God will never stop pursuing us.  Our God loves us for us and not what we do or are able to accomplish. We are enough. We have been made worthy. So when you share that most daring faith, God is with you. And when you struggle to function at all, God is with you. Nothing— no virus, no doors, not even the powers of hell itself separates us from God’s love. We are God’s holy people, under God’s care and God is the Lord of our lives. And Jesus is our   hope, our peace and our source of indescribable and glorious joy. "