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The Rev. Meredith Holt Crigler | Trinity Episcopal Church, Baytown

A Selection of Sermons:


Nov 3, 2020

...I am mindful of all that we mourn particularly because today— All Saints’ Day in the triduum (three days) of All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints’ and All Souls’ is a day were we face death and ghouls and anything that might go bump in the night, stare them down and with tricks and treats, calaveritas and feasting, proclamation and hope, and the whole of the great cloud of witnesses— the whole communion of all saints we say to that which would drag us down, that which would kill us, and (particularly this week)  that which try to tear us apart our communion— we say to those powers: NO! In the name of Jesus, no. The powers of hell do not prevail. Death does not win...