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The Rev. Meredith Holt Crigler | Trinity Episcopal Church, Baytown

A Selection of Sermons:


Feb 19, 2018

...Wilderness may be uncomfortable and uncharted and full of wild beasts, but it is also holy. Wilderness is the place where God called Moses, where God formed the people of Israel for forty years, and where Jesus prevailed. When we are in the wilderness, we are most aware that we are utterly dependent upon God. And whether it is for our manna, or our water, or where we will sleep, or protection from snakes, or what the next unknown step in our journey will look like, when we are in the wilderness, we trust God fully, with our whole lives. And in my experience, there is rarely anything comfortable about fully trusting God...Each and every Lent, we are invited to meet Jesus in the wilderness. We are invited to see that which makes us uncomfortable as an opportunity to abide in God and worship more fully.